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HomeFashionKatie Price Compares Eurovision to 'Porn' and Criticizes BAFTA for Inviting 'Riff...

Katie Price Compares Eurovision to ‘Porn’ and Criticizes BAFTA for Inviting ‘Riff Raff’

Katie Price didn’t enjoy last weekend’s TV offerings as she criticized both Eurovision and the BAFTA Awards. Putting her eviction issues aside, she reviewed the events on her Katie Price Show podcast with her sister Sophie.

The outspoken 45-year-old launched a double attack on Eurovision and BAFTA, calling the TV awards ‘riff raff’ and claiming the Song Contest now resembles ‘porn’. Katie, who almost represented the UK in Eurovision back in 2005, was particularly harsh on both events, saying Americans handle awards far better than the British.

She stated, “I have been to the BAFTAs, I have been there and done it – because I do TV and I have been on TV. The BAFTAs is a big thing for us. I’m sorry to say but you can’t compare how the women dress, the English BAFTAs to the Americans. The Americans just do it so well. If I wore some of them outfits I would have got slated.”

Katie expressed shock at some of the BAFTA invitees, questioning the event’s prestige and high-class status. “It’s supposed to be prestige, high class, when I say high class I mean proper people in the industry, and you just get a lot of riff raff that go. Sorry, the BAFTAs has gone down in my estimations now. Some of the people who were invited – it is so political,” she ranted.

Turning her attention to Eurovision, Katie blasted the show, saying, “That show, for me, wasn’t even about the singing, it was about who could be out there more than the other. I got distracted with the singing because of the costumes, the dancing. It was literally like porn some of it.”

Despite her harsh criticism, she did defend Olly Alexander, who represented the UK and performed last Saturday. Despite falling short, Olly took to social media to express his pride in his performance and his team. He wrote on Instagram, “Honestly I don’t know where to even begin with this whole experience, I’m going to be processing things for a long time! For now, I just want to say I am so proud of the performance and my team, everybody absolutely smashed it and gave it their all to bring the vision to life!! I met so many talented wonderful people on and off the stage and I’m really thankful we were able to support each other throughout. Though we may have received NIL Points from the voting public – which I shall be claiming as iconic! – I’ve also seen a lot of love and I’m truly grateful, thank you.”

Katie avoided discussing her property issues on the podcast. However, her sister Sophie assured listeners that Katie will not be evicted from her Mucky Mansion just yet, despite receiving another eviction notice shortly after the first. Sophie emphasized that Katie won’t be leaving by May 29, even though the notice demanded all occupants vacate the house by 10 am that day.

The bankrupt mum-of-five was given just days to leave the premises, explaining she has around a fortnight to prevent her property from being seized. Earlier this month, reports suggested that Katie was facing a “real risk” of losing her £2million West Sussex home. The model has been in the news after dodging her second bankruptcy hearing, opting instead to fly off to Cyprus with her latest beau, JJ Slater.

Stay tuned for more updates on Katie Price’s ongoing controversies and bold opinions.



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