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HomeTravelExploring Athens: A Journey Full Of History and Culture

Exploring Athens: A Journey Full Of History and Culture

It is easy to go, the food is delicious, it is relatively affordable compared to many European cities, and above all, it is warm and friendly, from us… Athens awaits you with its colorful taverns, stylish streets, and heritage that carries history to the present. Where should we go, where should we eat, where should we have fun to get to know the city?

Syntagma Square

Syntagma Square, the heart of Athens. Syntagma means constitution. You can watch the changing of the guard ceremony of the Evzonis in their traditional clothes in front of the Parliament building overlooking the square. Soldiers stand guard in front of the Unknown Soldier Monument in front of the Parliament Building.

Kolonaki Square

Just above Syntagma Square is Kolonaki Square, where luxury cafes and especially brand stores are located. Be sure to take a walk here. Ermou, which extends down from the square, is one of the streets that is reserved for pedestrians and can be walked with pleasure.

Omonia Square

Omonia Square is another central point of the city. If you walk from the square in the direction of Stadiou, you can see both shopping malls, Klathmonos and Kolokotroni Squares, and reach the National History Museum.

Psiri And Plate

In Athens, nightlife becomes more colorful in Psiri and Plaka taverns. If you have two nights in Athens; You can spend one night in Psiri and one night in Plaka. Plaka is an area close to the Acropolis. Vehicles are only allowed in certain places. You will be surrounded by famous Greek taverns, where the sounds of music spill out onto the streets from every corner. Some taverns also offer local dance shows with small groups. You can make plans by checking if there is a special program before the upcoming new year. Be sure to go with a reservation.


When it comes to Athens, the first thing that comes to everyone’s mind is the Acropolis with all its splendor. Acropolis literally means “high city.” This acropolis is considered the birthplace of democracy. The most important structure you will see inside is the Parthenon Temple. B.C. It was built in the 5th century, in an astonishing time of just 10 years. What is more surprising is that its restoration has not been completed for 40 years. The temple was named Parthenos, meaning “virgin”, in reference to the Goddess Athena. For a while, Christians used it as a church and the Ottomans used it as a mosque. Since it was badly damaged by fires and wars, most of its former state has not survived to the present day. Herodes Atticus Theater was the largest social event area of the Acropolis. Various cultural and artistic events are still held here. Another building that serves the same function but is smaller is the Theater of Dionysus. Pay special attention to the entrance gate of the Acropolis. Unfortunately, the original has not survived to the present day, but the famous Brandenburg Gate in Berlin was designed as an exact copy of it.


You have to make a lot of effort to climb the Acropolis. But the way back is more enjoyable and full of stops where you can take a warm break when the weather is cold. When you start going down from the foot of the hill, you will encounter views that will make you feel the Greek breeze most in the city. The name of this region is Anafiotika. Athens is a region that many tourists ignore because it is generally the address for short visits. If you go, do not skip it, be sure to see it. You will see many small, cute cafes. Choose, like and take a break at one. Anafiotika means little Anafi. It was given this name because it was founded by people coming from Anafi, located among the Cyclades Islands, according to the local architecture of that place.

Wolves Hill

If climbing the Acropolis wasn’t enough, you can go a little higher. There is another hill higher up where you can even see this historical hill from a bird’s eye view; Lykkavittos Hill. It means the Hill of the Wolves. If you don’t know how to get tired, you can climb the hill using Plautarchou Street. But if your feet are at the point of rebellion, you also have the chance to take the funicular on the same street.



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